List of all bot commands
Command | Description | Usage |
help | Shows a embed with all the commands | *help |
privacy | Shows what we do with your data | *privacy |
invite | Gives an invite to invite the bot to your server | *invite |
ban | Bans a user in your server | *ban {user mention} [reason] |
kick | Kicks a user in your server | *kick {user mention} [reason] |
warn | Warns a user in the server | *warn {user mention} [reason] |
warns | Gives the amount of warns from a user | *warns {user mention} |
unwarn | Unwarns a user that earlier got a warn | *unwarn {user mention} |
mute | Mutes a user in your server | *mute {user mention} |
unmute | Unmutes a user that got earlier muted | *unmute {user mention} |
dashboard | Gives you the url to the dashboard | *dashboard |